

Fundraising for the Redecoration and Maintenance of the Exterior of the Village Hall

For many years our community, and the Friends and Trustees of our Village Hall have been fundraising to maintain and improve the buildings and facilities available to our groups, societies, clubs and guests.

In recent years our fundraising has focused on the extension and refurbishment of the kitchen facilities, making the area larger, more environmentally friendly, more healthy and safe, and much more easily accessible for everyone.  This fundraising has included familiar and much-loved events such as the village fête, beer festival, barn dance, and many other activities in which our local community has played a major part.

Incredibly, we achieved our aim to provide the new kitchen for our users and visitors just after lockdown, and it is now functioning very well.  This new facility meets new health and safety standards, as well as being accessible and is much more energy-efficient.

To learn more about the kitchen project please click here

Today, we are focussing on raising funds to redecorate and maintain the outside of the Village Hall.  We need to make sure the gutters, soffits and frames are mended where necessary, then the exterior will need to be painted.

The cost of all of this reaches an eye-watering sum of money, so we are applying for grants whereever we can, as well as holding our usual fundraising events.

As work progresses, we will show you the photographs and keep you updated.  Many thanks for your continued support for our Village Hall.

Kitchen Extension and Refurbishment

To view the work on the kitchen project please click here

Sherfield-on-Loddon Village Hall
Reading Road, Sherfield-on-Loddon, Hook RG27 0EZ
Registered Charity (CIO) 1178256